

Christmas Card Killers

I've started receiving Christmas cards from the girls a couple days ago. Apparently I neglected to tell The Capt. that I have given out our home address to people on the World Wide Interweb. *oops* This is how our conversation went:

Day 1.

Me: OOOoooo *squeee* I got a card from Carissa!

Capt: Who's that?

Me: One of the girls I hang out with online.....

Capt: Oh..

Day 2.

Me: OOOOOOoo *squeeee* I got a card from Kait!

Capt: Who's that?

Me: One of the girls I hang out with online.....

Capt: Someone's going to murder you ya know....

Me: What????

Capt: One of your 'Interweb Fwends' is going to turn out to be a crazy 45 year old guy who just got out of jail and he's going to kill you. And when people ask me what happened I'm going to have to tell them "Oh, she went online and gave out her information. Some crazy guy killed her." *shrug*

Me: *LaLaLaLaLaLa* I can't hear you.

I love my BIFF's and think they should all come to my house this summer and we can party like it's 1999, oh and you can smack The Capt. for thinking you're men.

I am so totally there. Should I bring tater salad or something?
Sweetie, next time I'm in the northeast, we're soooooo getting together.
I'll bring the marguerita mix! Oh, and there is NO.WAY Carrisa is a dude with the titties she has! Just sayin'.
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